Efficient Exploration, Online, On Time
January 2011 Newsletter
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Visit us at the Vancouver Roundup   Booth B43 Tue 25th to Thu 27th Jan    Georeference Online Ltd

This issue: Controlling Costs

  • CampControl Cost Controls
  • How it works
  • Workflow Example
  • Shipping and Inventory
  • List of CampControl Modules
  • Test Drive CampControl
  • CampControl Trade Shows
Problems keeping up-to-date?

CampControl puts all your purchasing controls and record keeping online  ...

... making it easy to keep current from
    anywhere in the world.

CampControl Cost Controls

A major problem with keeping costs under control is the delay between what's been purchased and what is recorded in the accounting system.  It's all the more difficult when many people are involved both in purchasing and paying for items.  The following questions often make CFOs nervous:

  • What outstanding invoices do we have?
  • What have we bought that we don't yet have an invoice for?
  • Are the invoices that we're paying correct?

As all CFOs know, the numbers that show up on the company's financial reports at year end tell a sorry story and can be difficult to explain if a suitable Purchase Authorisation System is not in place.  Costs quickly spiral out of control if not reined in by personnel who are accountable.

CampControl puts controls and record keeping at the forefront of the orders and acquisition process, ensuring that items being purchased are documented, authorised, purchased and paid for in a systematic and efficient manner.

Authorisation and payment responsibilities can easily be delegated to the right staff for efficient operation of the company with minimal emailing and telephone communication.

How it works

CampControl implements the following workflow for each order:
  • A CampControl user enters a purchase order (or request to purchase)
  • A manager authorises it for purchase (authorisation is optional or mandatory, depending on the configuration of the CampControl account)
  • A manager assigns the order to a purchaser (optional - depending on configuration)
  • The purchaser buys the items, which automatically get added to a "virtual" warehouse, pending dispatch to the requestor.
  • The purchaser uploads the invoice to CampControl, attaching it to the original order.
  • The purchaser ships items from the "virtual" warehouse to the requestor (optional).
  • The requestor marks the items as received, automatically putting it in inventory (optional).
  • A manager checks the invoice and authorises it for payment if it is acceptable.
  • The accounting staff pay the invoice and mark it as "Paid" on CampControl.

Each step is succinctly recorded on CampControl, and can be skipped if appropriate, and if the user has the relevant permissions to perform the subsequent steps.

Workflow Example

Picture this:
  • Your camp manager in Peru enters an order for 10 GPS units in CampControl.  He provides the details and attaches the PDF brochure he downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
  • While travelling, you as company manager check your email as you pass through the airport in LA, receive a CampControl authorisation request on your BlackBerry, and provide authorisation with one click.
  • Your expediters in Lima are notified, fulfill the order, attach (upload) the invoice to the original request, and record shipping of the GPS units to the camp, attaching the transport company's waybill to the CampControl Freight Control Sheet (FCS).  You are able to monitor, in CampControl, when the GPS units are received in camp.
  • Your accounting staff in Toronto later easily reconcile the expediter's or suppliers' monthly statements with the invoices attached to the original requests/orders in CampControl.
As Company Manager you maintain oversight of the purchasing process with access to all the information you need for responsible management, while at the same time keeping your involvement to a minimum and allowing your staff to work efficiently.

By keeping all associated documentation with the original order, all documents are organised intuitively, and stored indefinitely.  All the orders and their details are searchable.

Consequently budgeting for the following year becomes less burdensome as historical purchasing records are readily at hand for cost-estimation purposes.

Shipping and Inventory

A structured order system results in the additional benefits of simplifying shipping and inventory management.

CampControl makes it easy to implement best practices in exploration because best practices are built in to the CampControl workflow.

Expediting Controls

Good expediters send written descriptions of all shipped items in each shipment they send out to a field camp or mining operation.  The best expediters describe each container these items are shipped in, together with its contents, and the weight of the packed container - particularly if it has to travel on an aircraft.  CampControl builds these best practices effortlessly into its freighting/shipping workflow for both ordered goods being sent into the field and geological samples being sent to a laboratory.  Click here to see how.

nventory Controls
Cost-conscious purchasers of capital items ensure that their purchases are immediately entered onto the Company's inventory list to control losses.  CampControl's order-processing workflow automatically adds all non-grocery purchases to location-specific inventories, from which their subsequent loss, transfer, replacement or write-off can easily be managed.  Click here to read about CampControl's Inventory Management capabilities.

List of CampControl Modules

For first-time readers of our newsletter, here is a summary list of modules provided by CampControl:
Work Logs Tasks Inventory Control Sample Custody
Drill Progress Logs Calendar General Orders Control Photo Management
Vehicle Logs Helicopter Logs Travel Orders Control Document Management
Custom Logs Custom Reports Air Charter Control Standard Reports

Test Drive CampControl

There are two quick ways to try out CampControl and see how it can improve your efficiency:
(1)  Click around inside our Exploration Manager Demo Account - fun to do because it's full of real exploration data (see top left of our Home Page);
(2)  Create a 14-day Free Trial account, configure it to the locations you operate in and the users who will use it, and customise it to your company's existing accounting standards. [Contact us if you need free assistance with this trial setup stage.]

CampControl Tradeshows

CampControl will be on display at the following tradeshows in 2011:
  • AMEBC Mineral Exploration RoundUp
    Vancouver:  25 - 27 January, 2011 -  Booth B43
  • Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention (PDAC)
    Toronto:  6 - 9 March, 2011  -  Booth 601

Click here for Sign Up Options

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This e-mail was sent by: Georeference Online Ltd, 301-850 W. Hastings St, Vancouver, BC, Canada.