Home > Using CampControl > Samples > Sample Shipments

Sample Shipments

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This screen displays a summary of all the Sample Shipments that you or other users in your account have created.

Sample details include the Sample ID, Shipment Date, Origination, Destination, Status, initial Shipment Notes and final Receiver Notes of the Sample.  To filter the information on this screen, use the filter boxes on the second line of the grid (just below the headings).  See Working with Tables for more details on filtering.

Samples are shipped in groups with each sample labeled with a sample number.  The samples may be shipped to a number of intermediate locations before arriving that their final destination (usually a Laboratory).  Click on the “+” to view shipment details for a specific Sample Shipment.  The Sample Shipment details include the FCS#, Shipment Date, From and To Locations, Shipment Notes and Receiver Notes specific to the shipment.

To view summaries of Sample Batches in each Sample Shipment, and samples in each Sample Batch, select the date range of interest, click in the box labeled "Display Sample Bach Summaries", and click "Go".  The following kind of information will be produced:

Click on the “Shipment ID” to view the Sample details.

Click on the “New Sample Shipment” button to create a new shipment.

Click on the “Download to Excel” button to download the data on this screen to Excel.

  You need the following permissions (see Manage Permissions):

To view this screen:   "Create Sample Shipment"

See also